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Best Potty Training Reviews for 2023-How to Choose from Top 5 Potty Training & Usage Tips.

What is a Potty Training and the benefits of it

Potty-training is the process of teaching a child to recognize and respond appropriately when it’s time for them to use the restroom. It involves introducing your toddler or young preschooler age 2–4 years old, about using the potty (toilet) as an alternative way of disposing their bodily waste instead of diapers/nappies - also known as toilet training. Potty-training can be challenging but once you get started there are many benefits such as:

Increased independence – by being able to go independently on their own rather than having someone help them with changing nappies every few hours will make toddlers feel more independent which helps in building self esteem and confidence;

Healthier environment – no longer needing disposable diapers results in less environmental pollution caused by these materials plus it reduces costs associated with buying new ones all the time;

Better hygiene practices – children learn at an early stage how important regular handwashing after toileting is which ultimately leads into good personal habits that they maintain throughout adulthood ;

Improved communication skills between parents & kids — through this process both parent(s)/guardian(s), teacher(s), etc. will be benefited.

Tips and advices for Using a Potty Training

  • Start with a potty chair or seat that is the right size and fit for your child – it should be comfortable, safe to use, easily accessible and one they can sit on securely without you having to help them.
  • Introduce the concept of using a potty in advance by talking about what it’s used for and how easy it will be when they master going ‘on their own'. Read books together which have stories related to toilet training so as introduce this new development gradually rather than abruptly forcing them into something unfamiliar at once.
  • Positioning yourself close enough but not too near during attempts where necessary - but don't hover over them as then may feel pressured instead try sitting nearby reading book while encouraging words like "you're doing great" every now & then (or sing little songs). Never scold if an accident occurs just calmly remind that accidents happen & let's get back on track again!
  • Encourage children after successful times spent sat upon the potty/toilet with verbal praise such as "great job", high fives etc., even small rewards are useful here like stickers or gold stars depending upon age appropriateness.
  • ...
    BabyBjörn Smart Potty, Deep Blue/White

    Best value overall, this is the greatest option for all buyers who want the best quality product.


    Buy it on Amazon

    OXO Tot 2-in-1 Go Potty - Gray, 1 Count (Pack of 1)

    Also very good option for users who are serious about high standard and taste.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Summer Infant My Size Potty, White - Realistic Potty Training Toilet Looks and Feels Like an Adult Toilet - Easy to Empty and Clean

    Strike a perfect balance between price and quality, this item is for people who want both.


    Buy it on Amazon

    BABYBJORN Toilet Trainer, White/Gray, 1 Count (Pack of 1)

    Perfect Alternative for products other than those mentioned above, give it a try!


    Buy it on Amazon

    Munchkin Sturdy Potty Seat, Green

    Affordable price and well accepted quality, great deal for who have a tighter budget.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Considerations when buying a Potty Training - How to choose the best?

  • Safety: When buying potty-training gear, safety should be a top priority when considering materials and design of all items purchased. Look for sturdy construction with no sharp edges or small parts that could detach easily and present choking hazards to children.
  • Comfort: Selecting comfortable pieces is essential for successful toilet training as young kids may not feel motivated to use the equipment if it’s uncomfortable or too big for them physically . Consider adjustable seats , padded surfaces on step stools, contoured handles etc., which make using such products much easier and more pleasant experience for toddlers
  • Design & Colour : Brightly coloured designs are appealing - both captivating attention span of little ones while also making bathroom look fun ! Choose from various cartoon character options available in market today . Also consider space constraints you have at home before selecting size/shape – portable models can work great if there isn't enough room!
  • Cost Efficiency : Buying multiple items like chairs, seat covers , handrails et al.,can add up quickly so factor cost into your decision process but don’t compromise quality over price alone - always prioritize safety first !! Take advantage of online deals where appropriate by researching prices across.

  • Types of Potty Training and their features.

  • Cold-turkey: This method of potty training involves introducing the child to toilet use without any preparation or warning and expecting them to just “get it” right away. It is usually used on very young children who have already shown signs that they are ready for this type of learning, such as being able to follow simple instructions or staying dry longer than usual during naps.
  • The Three Day Method: Potty Training with a three day intensive approach requires parents setting aside 3 consecutive days where you stay home with your toddler in order introduce and reinforce proper bathroom habits quickly but consistently over time.. The goal is repetition so little ones get comfortable using the restroom by themselves instead of relying solely on diapers when needed.
  • Gradual Introduction/Child Led Learning : With this method you gradually expose your child to more aspects related their new skillset at different stages which makes things easier for both parent & kid! Start out by letting him sit naked from waist down once per day (preferably after bath), then move onto underwear only outside his room , followed up slowly adding layers like going outdoors wearing shorts etc .The idea here if offering lots reassurance while helping build confidence too !

  • A brief history about Potty Training

    Potty-training has been around since ancient times, and its influence in modern society is still felt today. Its roots can be traced back to the Egyptians who developed a pot for infants that was placed under their beds or chairs so they could use it on demand rather than having an adult help them with toileting needs.

    The practice of potty-training continued throughout many cultures over time even as other practices changed; however, most parents didn’t begin actively training children until the late 19th century when doctors began recommending specific techniques such as rewarding successful attempts at using toilets and punishing accidents by withholding treats or privileges.

    These methods were popularized through books like Benjamin Spock's "Baby & Child Care" (1946) which encouraged early toilet learning before age two years old if possible but cautioned against punishments due to potential emotional damage caused by harshness from adults during this delicate process.

    In recent decades there have been further developments in how we approach teaching our little ones about proper bathroom etiquette including elimination communication – also known as infant pottying - where babies are trained without diapers starting from birth all the way up into toddlerhood!

    This trend continues to gain popularity among some families looking for ways beyond traditional Western approaches.

    Final Verdict

    In sum, potty-training is a great way to help your child become an independent and confident individual. Potty training gives them the opportunity to learn how their body works while also giving parents peace of mind that they can take care of themselves in this area. It's important for children’s development as it helps build strong self-esteem too - knowing that you are capable enough at such a young age to master something so difficult! Finally, with all the resources available today (like books and videos), there really isn't any reason why you shouldn't buy one if needed.


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    Table of Contents
    1. What is a Potty Training and the benefits of it
    2. Tips and advices for Using a Potty Training
    3. Considerations when buying a Potty Training - How to choose the best?
    4. Types of Potty Training and their features.
    5. A brief history about Potty Training
    6. Final Verdict


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