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Best Djembe Drum Reviews for 2023-How to Choose from Top 5 Djembe Drum & Usage Tips.

What is a Djembe Drum and the benefits of it

The djembe-drum is an African drum that has been played for centuries in West Africa and other parts of the continent. It typically consists of a single head, made from goatskin or synthetic material stretched across a wooden frame. The shell may be carved with patterns to give it visual appeal as well as enhance its sound quality.

Traditionally, Djembes are used in ceremonial settings such as weddings and funerals but they can also be found at festivals, parties and even concerts!

The most appealing aspect about playing the djembe-drum lies within its versatility; this instrument can produce any number of sounds depending on how one strikes it (with hands) - whether softly tapping out intricate rhythms or loudly banging away forceful beats through hand slaps against leather skin – which makes learning different techniques both fun & rewarding too!

Furthermore new players often find great satisfaction by being able to create music right away without having learnt theory first so much like many musical instruments there's no need for years' worth’s practice before you start enjoying just have to jump straight into whatever takes your fancy!.

More importantly though than simply making noise ,the act itself brings with it some amazing benefits including improved focus..

Tips and advices for Using a Djembe Drum

  • Make sure the drum is properly tuned. Place your open palm on top of the head and gently hit it in different places to feel if there are any areas that sound higher or lower than others, then adjust accordingly using rope tensioners around each edge of the skin until you have a consistent pitch all across its surface area.
  • Position yourself correctly while playing by sitting with one leg crossed over another in front of an angled djembe-drum so that your hands can reach both sides easily without having to stretch too far outwards - this will help maintain good posture for long periods as well!
  • Use correct hand techniques when striking either side: make sure not only do you use enough force but also angle them towards their respective edges at 45 degrees from perpendicular (this ensures better resonance). Also don’t forget about dampening tones between two beats by quickly cupping both palms flat against opposite heads after every strike – doing this helps create smoother transitions during rhythmic patterns!
  • Experiment with various sounds produced from varying levels/amounts pressure applied onto skins as overtones tend be generated louder compared softer bass notes which require less energy inputted into drumskins itself…

  • Considerations when buying a Djembe Drum - How to choose the best?

  • Size: The size of the djembe-drum you choose will be determined by your playing style and wants/needs. Consider whether a large or small drum is more suitable for your application, as larger drums provide deeper bass tones while smaller ones produce higher pitched sounds with less sustain.
  • Wood Type: Djembes are typically made from hardwoods such as mahogany, ebony and shedua due to their strong yet resonant qualities which give them great sound projection when played properly; although some cheaper models may use other woods like oak or pine instead so consider what wood type you want before making a purchase decision accordingly.
  • Skins & Hardware Quality : Good quality skins on the head of the instrument should ensure good pitch control along with an even tone throughout its range whereas lower grade materials can often cause problems in these areas – check that all hardware used (such as tuning rings) are also up to scratch prior to buying too! Additionally look out for any signs of wear n tear around edges - this could indicate poor craftsmanship construction techniques have been employed during production process.

  • Types of Djembe Drum and their features.

  • African Djembe: The African djembe is a traditional hand-carved drum originating from West Africa and made popular by the Mandinka people of Mali, Guinea, and Senegal. It has an hourglass shape with one head that’s covered in animal skin to produce its distinctive sound when struck with either hands or sticks. Its size can range between 25 cm - 75cm across and it produces many different tones depending on where you strike the instrument's surface area around its edge or center point.
  • Fiberglas Djembe : Fiberglas djembé drums are constructed using two layers of fiberglassing material for strength as well as heat resistance – making them ideal for outdoor use at festivals & parties alike! This variation also comes in various sizes ranging from 20 cm - 50cm wide but generally have less volume than their wooden counterparts due to their thinner shell design instead relying more heavily upon amplification systems if needed during performances/gigs etc..
  • Plastic DJEMBE: A plastic version of this classic percussion instrument offers durability while maintaining much lighter weight compared to other materials such as wood which makes transport significantly easier especially over long distances.

  • A brief history about Djembe Drum

    The djembe drum is a traditional West African instrument that has been played for centuries. It originated in Mali, Guinea and Ivory Coast and was used to accompany the music of various tribes as well as being an integral part of ceremonies such as funerals or initiations into adulthood.

    The name ‘djembe’ comes from the Bambara language meaning 'gathering together' which reflects its widespread use across tribal boundaries within Africa.

    Traditionally carved out of wood with animal skin stretched over one end, today's drums are made using synthetic materials like plastic but many players still prefer those constructed with natural resources due to their superior sound quality - something essential when playing at high volume levels during performances!

    Djembes have become popular all around world thanks largely influence by Fela Kuti who incorporated them heavily into his Afrobeat style; they provide a powerful driving beat underpinning modern styles including Reggae & Highlife while also having tremendous crossover potential (as demonstrated through collaborations between jazz musicians).

    Djembés offer huge creative freedom due to wide variety sizes available plus range tuning possibilities – enabling users create unique sounds depending on how hard/soft hit surface area chosen..

    Final Verdict

    To sum up, the djembe-drum is a great percussion instrument that has been around for centuries and can be used in many different music genres. It produces an incredible range of sounds from deep bass tones to high pitched jingles which can create beautiful rhythms when played together in harmony. The drum also encourages creativity as it allows you to express yourself through its unique soundscapes - something very few other instruments could offer!


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    Table of Contents
    1. What is a Djembe Drum and the benefits of it
    2. Tips and advices for Using a Djembe Drum
    3. Considerations when buying a Djembe Drum - How to choose the best?
    4. Types of Djembe Drum and their features.
    5. A brief history about Djembe Drum
    6. Final Verdict


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