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Best Comfort Height Toilets Reviews for 2023-How to Choose from Top 5 Comfort Height Toilets & Usage Tips.

What is a Comfort Height Toilets and the benefits of it

Comfort-height toilets, also known as chair-height or universal height toilets, are designed to make it easier for people of all sizes and ages to sit comfortably on the toilet. These taller models measure between 17" - 19", compared with a standard size which is typically about 15". The extra 2 inches in comfort height makes getting up much more comfortable and reduces strain on your back muscles when you stand after sitting down.

Comfort heights can be very useful for those who have difficulty bending over due to age or physical limitations such as arthritis or knee pain; they may even provide enough clearance that elderly individuals don't need raised toilet seats.

People recovering from hip surgery will especially appreciate this type of convenience since they won’t have trouble standing while using the restroom like traditional low bowl designs require them too often do.

Additionally, many find relief by eliminating stooping completely during their bathroom visits when seated at these higher levels than what is provided by conventional fixtures mounted at floor level..

Another benefit offered behind these elevated styles has been proven through scientific studies showing improved bowel health among users because its setup gives an optimal angle for evacuation without needing excessive pressure applied manually within abdominal regions Plus another added bonus comes into play regarding aesthetics..

Tips and advices for Using a Comfort Height Toilets

  • Before using the comfort-height toilet, make sure to measure your bathroom space and purchase a model that fits properly in the designated area. This will help ensure maximum convenience when using it.
  • When installing this type of commode, be sure to use an appropriate wax ring seal around its base for proper fitting and watertightness against leakage or seepage onto floors below it once filled with water from flushing operations so as not to cause damage over time due to moisture penetration into lower levels of construction materials used in building structures like wood flooring systems underneath bathrooms where these types of toilets are typically installed throughout households worldwide today (especially here in North America).
  • Before sitting down on one for the first time adjust yourself by standing at least two inches away from seat surface before lowering self downwardly until contact is made between body parts touching upon upper edges/rims thereof; then shift weight forward slowly while moving hands along sides near arm rests if present which should provide enough resistance needed helping user maintain balance during transitionary phase occurring just prior actual seating posture postion being assumed after shifting entire mass all way back towards rearward part most distant point located directly behind buttocks region itself.
  • ...
    20 inch Extra Tall Toilet. Convenient Height bowl taller than ADA Comfort Height. Dual flush, Metal handle, Slow-close seat

    Best value overall, this is the greatest option for all buyers who want the best quality product.


    Buy it on Amazon

    WOODBRIDGE T-0019 Cotton Toilet, White with Chrome Button

    Also very good option for users who are serious about high standard and taste.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Kohler 3810-0 Santa Rosa Comfort Height Elongated 1.28 Gpf Toilet with Aquapiston Flush Technology And Left-Hand Trip Lever, White

    Strike a perfect balance between price and quality, this item is for people who want both.


    Buy it on Amazon

    TOTO CST744SL#01 Drake 2-Piece Ada Toilet with Elongated Bowl, Cotton White

    Perfect Alternative for products other than those mentioned above, give it a try!


    Buy it on Amazon

    TOTO CST454CEFG#01 Drake Bathroom-Hardware, Cotton White

    Affordable price and well accepted quality, great deal for who have a tighter budget.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Considerations when buying a Comfort Height Toilets - How to choose the best?

  • Flush Type: Comfort-height toilets come with a wide range of flush types, from single and dual flushes to jetted or pressure assisted models; choose one that fits your needs best for optimal performance.
  • Bowl Shape & Size: The shape and size of the bowl will have an impact on the overall comfort level you experience when using it - select what works best for your bathroom layout as well as personal preferences regarding aesthetics and practicality (i.e., round vs elongated).
  • Special Features: Look out for special features like slow close lids, self cleaning systems, heated seats etc which can add extra convenience while also saving money in long run through reduced water consumption rates associated with them .
  • Installation Process : Consider how difficult is installation process going to be before making purchase , check whether its something DIY friendly or requires professional help so that budgeting accordingly becomes easy afterwards.

  • Types of Comfort Height Toilets and their features.

  • Wall-Hung Comfort Height Toilet: This type of comfort height toilet is hung on the wall and features a hidden tank that sits behind the wall, allowing for more space in your bathroom. Its bowl shape allows users to sit comfortably with their feet flat on the floor at an appropriate level without having to strain or stretch their legs too far down into a lower seated position typically found in standard toilets.
  • Two Piece Comfort Height Toilets: These two piece models feature both a separate cistern which can be placed up high onto walls or discreetly tucked away beneath furniture along with its elongated bowl sitting independently from it but still connected via plumbing pipework situated underneath them both creating one unit when installed correctly together..
  • One Piece Comfort Height Toilet : The one piece version offers all elements combined as just one single unit making installation easier than ever before due to only requiring minimal parts during fitting process whilst also eliminating any potential leakages between joints created by multiple pieces being linked together externally .
  • Corner Round Bowls : With this design , you’ll find yourself able to make use of even tightest corner spaces inside bathrooms where other solutions may not always fit perfectly such as those areas surrounding.

  • A brief history about Comfort Height Toilets

    Comfort-height toilets have been around since the late 1800s when low profile, squat style models were commonly used. However, it wasn't until 1970 that comfort height became popular in North America due to increased awareness of ergonomics and the need for a more comfortable toilet experience.

    The idea behind this design is simple: make sitting down or standing up easier by making the bowl higher than traditional standard options (around 14 - 15 inches).

    This new model was often referred to as “right-height” or “comfort-Height” because they provide users with greater ease while using them – something especially beneficial for those who are elderly, pregnant women and people living with disabilities.

    Comfort heights also help reduce straining during defecation which helps protect against constipation related issues like hemorrhoids etc., providing additional health benefits too!

    In recent years there has been an increase in demand for these taller toilet styles so much so that most home improvement stores now offer both regular/standard size bowls along side their bigger counterparts including elongated shapes which can further improve user experience given its larger surface area available on seat itself .By offering consumers a variety of sizes from small compact designs perfect apartments all way full sized.

    Final Verdict

    To sum up, investing in a comfort-height toilet is an excellent decision for anyone that wants to enjoy the convenience and luxury of not having to crouch down when using it. Not only does this make going to the bathroom easier, but also reduces strain on your back muscles as you don't have to bend over as much. Additionally, these toilets are often stylishly designed with modern features like self-cleaning capabilities or soft close lids which add value without being too expensive compared other types of bathrooms fixtures available today.


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