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Best Commercial Grease Traps Reviews for 2023-How to Choose from Top 5 Commercial Grease Traps & Usage Tips.

What is a Commercial Grease Traps and the benefits of it

Commercial grease traps are plumbing systems used to capture and contain fats, oils, and greases from food-related establishments. These devices help prevent clogs in a building’s sewer system by capturing the contaminants before they can enter municipal wastewater treatment plants or other businesses connected to shared sewers.

Grease traps come in several sizes depending on their intended use—from small residential models for restaurants all the way up to large units suitable for industrial kitchens.

The benefits of using commercial grease traps include improved sanitation levels; reduced smell emanating from drains; better performance of sewage pumps due to fewer stoppages caused by fat buildup; lower maintenance costs since cleaning is needed less often.

This brings increased safety as there will be no risk of dangerous overflows into public areas or waterways because solids have been removed prior entering drainage pipes ;and longer life spans with less wear and tear on drainpipes thanks owingto regular filtration providedby thesexdevices .

In addition , having properly functioninggreasetraps helps ensure compliancewith local regulations regarding waste waterdisposal while also protectingthe environment against pollution caused byfats mixtures that may otherwise find their way into riversor lakes nearby.

Tips and advices for Using a Commercial Grease Traps

  • Make sure that you pour all fat, oil or grease into a receptacle such as a container before disposing it down the drain - this will ensure that these substances do not clog up your trap's filter system. The waste should be disposed at least once per day so that there is no build up over time which could cause problems with drainage later on down the line.
  • It is essential to regularly maintain and clean out the trap by removing solid debris from within its chamber using either manual scraping tools or chemical cleaners (as recommended). This can also help minimize odours coming from inside – if left uncleaned then bad smells may start occurring due to decomposing food particles accumulating in there! Regular cleaning ensures efficient operation too; otherwise blocked filters might lead towards inefficient filtration performance causing backups further downstream where drains get backed up more easily because nothing has been done about them beforehand!
  • ...
    Wentworth 30 Pound Commercial Grease Trap Interceptor for Restaurant Under Sink Kitchen, 15 GPM, WP-GT-15

    Best value overall, this is the greatest option for all buyers who want the best quality product.


    Buy it on Amazon

    John Boos GT-8 Carbon Steel Grease Interceptor, 14.2" Long by 11.2" Tall by 10.5" Wide, 8 lbs Grease Capacity

    Also very good option for users who are serious about high standard and taste.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Zurn GT2702-15 Polyethylene Grease Trap 15 Gallons Per Minute 30 Pounds Capacity Grease Interceptor, Grease Interceptor,Grey

    Strike a perfect balance between price and quality, this item is for people who want both.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Zurn GT2700-25-3NH GT2700 3" No-Hub Grease Trap with Flow Control, 25 GPM

    Perfect Alternative for products other than those mentioned above, give it a try!


    Buy it on Amazon

    BEAMNOVA Commercial Grease Trap 25lbs Stainless Steel Interceptor, Side Inlet for Restaurant Home Kitchen Tools

    Affordable price and well accepted quality, great deal for who have a tighter budget.


    Buy it on Amazon

    Considerations when buying a Commercial Grease Traps - How to choose the best?

  • Capacity: When shopping for a commercial grease trap, it is important to consider the capacity of the unit. Specifically, you want to ensure that your system can handle all of the waste water and solids generated by your business operations without clogging or needing frequent cleanings. Additionally, some jurisdictions may have regulations on how large certain systems need to be in order for them to comply with local laws.
  • Installation Requirements: Before buying any type of equipment related to plumbing or wastewater management, make sure you understand what installation requirements are necessary before making a purchase decision This includes understanding who will install it (an experienced plumber), if additional parts/materials must also be purchased separately from other vendors prior installing (e g pipe fittings) , as well as whether there are special design considerations needed based upon where exactly within building structure this device needs go .
  • Maintenance Needs : Grease traps require regular maintenance in order maintain their effectiveness over time; these include calculating appropriate intervals when cleaning out accumulated material inside housing chamber so they don’t build-up too quickly and affect operation negatively The frequency which such service should done depend several factors like size & usage rate.

  • Types of Commercial Grease Traps and their features.

  • In-Ground Grease Traps: Also known as interceptor traps, these are designed to sit underground and capture all the grease from wastewater before it reaches public sewers or other drains. They come in a variety of sizes depending on their application and can be made out of both concrete and plastic materials for durability over time.
  • Above Ground Grease Traps: These systems hang above ground level like an inverted box with multiple compartments that help separate different types of solids such as oils, fats, soaps, detergents etc., which get trapped inside while allowing clean water to pass through easily into the drainage system below them without any blockage occurring further downstream due to clogs caused by built up debris within pipes/drains themselves .
  • Passive Grease Trap Systems: These work similarly but instead rely entirely on gravity alone (no electricity required) in order shift heavier particles downwards whilst lighter ones remain suspended near surface levels until they eventually settle down at bottom where most solid waste accumulates during its natural flow process - making removal easier once full capacity has been reached after some period usage period passes since last cleaning session took place!

  • A brief history about Commercial Grease Traps

    Commercial grease traps are plumbing systems used to capture and contain fats, oils, and greases from food-related establishments. These devices help prevent clogs in a building’s sewer system by capturing the contaminants before they can enter municipal wastewater treatment plants or other businesses connected to shared sewers.

    Grease traps come in several sizes depending on their intended use—from small residential models for restaurants all the way up to large units suitable for industrial kitchens.

    The benefits of using commercial grease traps include improved sanitation levels; reduced smell emanating from drains; better performance of sewage pumps due to fewer stoppages caused by fat buildup; lower maintenance costs since cleaning is needed less often.

    The increased safety as there will be no risk of dangerous overflows into public areas or waterways because solids have been removed prior entering drainage pipes ;and longer life spans with less wear and tear on drainpipes thanks owingto regular filtration providedby thesexdevices .

    In addition , having properly functioninggreasetraps helps ensure compliancewith local regulations regarding waste waterdisposal while also protectingthe environment against pollution caused byfats mixtures that may otherwise find their way into riversor lakes nearby.

    Final Verdict

    To sum up, there are many reasons why you should purchase a commercial-grease-trap. These traps can help to keep your drains and sewers clean by preventing the buildup of grease, oil and other debris that would otherwise clog them over time. They also reduce foul odors in areas where food is prepared or served as well as increase overall safety for employees working around these areas with fewer chances of slipping from spilled liquid waste materials.


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